Sassafras is approximately 6 years old and is a 19lb dachshund/corgi mix. She is respectful, gentle and independent. She's very smart so learns quickly. She likes to be in the same room with her people, but isn't clingy. She is spayed, up to date on vaccines and had a dental where she lost most of her teeth, but she still eats like a champ.
Simba came to us because he was too anxious around the toddler in his home, so he will need to go to a family that does not have young children living in the house or visiting regularly. He can be very energetic when playing outside and playing with toys. But most of the time you can find him curled up under a blanket in the dog bed. Dachshund haus and corgi rescue dachshund haus and corgi rescue dachshund haus and corgi rescue. Mr blue is ready for his furever home! Michigan and surrounding states only! Dachshund haus rescue is a dachshund rescue in michigan. There are many ways you can support the rescue and help us save the world, one wiener at a time! A safe place to surrender a corgi or dachshund and a great place to adopt! We also service ohio, illinois, and indiana. We help doxies and corgis of all ages find their perfect humans. If you would like to complete either the dachshund haus and corgi rescue application or the owner surrender form online, you can do so by clicking the appropriate button below. Please note, this will open the application in a new window. Nov 22, 2024 · are you looking to rescue a dachshund? We are a michigan based dachshund rescue and have several rescue dogs available for adoption!
We help doxies and corgis of all ages find their perfect humans. If you would like to complete either the dachshund haus and corgi rescue application or the owner surrender form online, you can do so by clicking the appropriate button below. Please note, this will open the application in a new window. Nov 22, 2024 · are you looking to rescue a dachshund? We are a michigan based dachshund rescue and have several rescue dogs available for adoption! A safe place to surrender a corgi or dachshund and a great place to adopt! Aug 7, 2019 · this dachshund senior sanctuary in michigan is for dogs who are surrendered over the age of 10 that have medical needs or a low probability of being adopted. A safe place to surrender a corgi or dachshund and a great place to adopt! Dachshund haus and corgi rescue dachshund haus and corgi rescue dachshund haus and corgi rescue. Seniors available 4 seniors. Dogs who qualify for the seniors 4 seniors program will be marked with *seniors 4 seniors.
A safe place to surrender a corgi or dachshund and a great place to adopt! Aug 7, 2019 · this dachshund senior sanctuary in michigan is for dogs who are surrendered over the age of 10 that have medical needs or a low probability of being adopted. A safe place to surrender a corgi or dachshund and a great place to adopt! Dachshund haus and corgi rescue dachshund haus and corgi rescue dachshund haus and corgi rescue. Seniors available 4 seniors. Dogs who qualify for the seniors 4 seniors program will be marked with *seniors 4 seniors.
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